Hi Cooper! I see you’ve gotten pretty far on your jaw breaker! It reminds me of an agate. Did you have fun at Sheila and Merv’s farm? How was the aquarium today? Did you swim in the hotel pool tonight? Saturn and Lily are fine. You won’t believe it but Dad vacuumed out the work truck tonight! I asked him what was wrong with him. 😛 tee hee. Hope you are having lots of fun! Love, Mom
Hi Cooper!
I see you’ve gotten pretty far on your jaw breaker! It reminds me of an agate. Did you have fun at Sheila and Merv’s farm? How was the aquarium today? Did you swim in the hotel pool tonight? Saturn and Lily are fine. You won’t believe it but Dad vacuumed out the work truck tonight! I asked him what was wrong with him. 😛 tee hee. Hope you are having lots of fun! Love, Mom