Our email conversation:
July 22, 2014 1:29 PM
I want to listen to the animals noises at dawn and night and evening.
Listen to waves also. – Cooper
July 22, 2014 2:24 PM
Yes, and I hope that we have a clear night where the sky over the lake is lit up by trillions of stars. – Sheila
July 22, 2014 2:36 PM
Hi Aunt Sheila,Mom and I just read all of the emails between you and Rosa.
I have a Cherry Berry coupon somewhere. I like big servings of ice cream and frozen yogurt.
I like Australian Outback Bread. I had it at an Australian Outback restaurant.
I know what kind of rock you were talking about. It has one color in it, but a lot of different colors are found in those sort of rocks.
I barely like greek yogurt with fruit in it. It tastes sour to me, at least a little bit.
I doubt we will be able make a pizza on the fire.
Saturday my great grandma Nylene turns 90. I’m not sure what time her party is. Mom will have to find out.
Cant wait to see you.
p.s. It was hot here too yesterday
p.p.s It was hot here the day before
p.p.p.s. it was in the middle the day before the day before
July 23 2014, 4:34 PM
Hi Coop,Save your coupon. I looked and there are no Cherry Berry stores along the north shore of Lake Superior. There is a Cold Stone Creamery in Duluth and they have good ice cream.
I am looking forward to trying Australian Outback Bread, also known I guess as damper. That seems like an odd name for bread but the Australians probably think damper is an odd name for a device found in a chimney.
It is hard to describe an agate, but I know one when I see one.
Greek yogurt is not for everyone. It is a bit sour, but I like sour things like sour gummy bears, Skittles and Jolly Rogers.
I found a recipe for making pizza on the grill. You grill one side of the dough without anything on it except some butter. Then you turn it over and quickly put pizza sauce and the cheese on it. Then you cover it and cook it until the cheese melts. I’m thinking it can be done with crusts that are small enough to cover with a cooking pan lid. That is not to say that we won’t burn them though.
See you this weekend at Ren in the Glenn!
Jul 23, 2014, at 2:16 PM
Hi Aunt Sheila.I’m looking forward to our trip. How many days long is it?
Is the aquarium fresh water or salt water? Is it big? Are there plenty of fish in the aquarium?
I’m getting a metal detector. I’m not sure it will be here in time to bring it with. It would be fun to use it on the beaches and maybe even find gold in that area. Maybe even some diamond rings.
See you soon.
Jul 23, 2014, at 4:00 PM
Hi Coop,I think I’ll be picking you up near our house at Ren In The Glenn on Saturday or Sunday. We will Leave Rosa’s house Monday morning and come back Saturday. So the trip will be 5 days but you might be staying at my house a day or so beforehand.
The Great Lakes Aquarium is pretty large. It’s like a zoo only with underwater animals. It has both salt and freshwater aquariums. On Monday, when we will be there, there will be three demonstrations with live animals starting at 12:30. One with a crow, one with otters and one with a snapping turtle. We will have to leave early if we want to see the show with the crow.
Jul 25, 2014, at 1:22 PM
Hi.We got our metal detector today. I got my birthday present early, my very own metal detector too. We can bring mine on our trip. Please save room for it in the car.
Great! Learn all about how it works that you can!
Wow, a metal detector- cool, Coop!